Enabling people to grow their own crops through supporting local agriculture is an essential step towards building sustainable communities.
Our agriculture projects educate locals with training workshops, as well as providing seeds, land, tools and fencing to protect farming areas from cattle.
At FDF we empower locals, creating self-sufficiency and food security. This in turn stimulates local economies creating further job opportunities and transforming entire regions.
Did You Know?
There are currently 125 women working on a large 5 acre area of farm land in a Gambian village. The ladies plant and maintain crops to feed the village, but sadly the crops were often trampled on or eaten by free roaming cattle. After all their hard work, this was very disheartening.
FDF provided and installed fencing all around the farming area to keep the crops safe from goats and sheep. Now the crops are used to feed the local families as well as sold at market, which has boosted their local economy.