What We Do...

Our Projects


Water Wells

In Gambia a child under 5 dies every 2 minutes from drinking from unprotected water sources.


Enabling people to grow their own crops through supporting local agriculture in communities.

Bread Mills

Donating to provide a bread mill for communities in need is an impactful way to ensure a sustainable source of…

Family Food Packs

This is a beautiful opportunity to feed an entire family for a month. Your donations will provide the most…

Clean Up

The Clean Up project aims to instil local pride within the community. There is very little provision of public bins…

Wifi Provision

Rural areas in Africa have very limited access to the internet and wifi. The FDF wifi project aims to provide a…

Zakat Distribution

Whilst the majority of our work on the ground is based in Gambia, we focus on Tanzania for our Zakat distribution project.

Qurbani with Freedom

Experience the profound act of Qurbani. This year, our Qurbani project supports families in Gambia and Tanzania.

The helping hands


FDF have developed outstanding partnerships with local communities in the areas we work in. Leveraging the power of collaboration with support networks on the ground, has enabled us to make huge strides in the efficiency with which we are able to help.

Donation Policy

85% of donations are spent on supporting livelihoods and providing amenities. The remaining 15% goes towards all operational costs and invested into raising further funds. We believe in full transparency of all donations made. Donations are also zakat and sadaqah applicable.